Thursday, October 18, 2012


This outfit came from the very far recesses of my brain. I haven't worn this skirt in about 3 years because it's a cat hair magnet and it's been hiding in the bottom of my ironing pile but I recently IRONED ALL THE THINGS and rediscovered it. I put it on this morning, added the white skirt underneath, and VOILA! FLOUNCE.

Cardigan: Joe Fresh (worn all the time)
T-shirt: Lilith (last worn here)
Belt: Le Chateau
Skirt: Mexx
Underskirt: Smart Set
Tights: ?
Shoes: Aldo

I don't often wear stilettos, let alone wear stilettos to work, but I thought these looked the best with this outfit.

I went to the SA-LON after work and had my hair coloured and cut. My hair is coloured quite a bit darker than it's natural colour (as you can guess by my eyebrows) so it's a long visit. Luckily they give us wine and there was a dog there tonight. It's always a fun time.

Now I'm off to dinner with some girlfriends....

 .... so I'm going to flounce right outta here. Toodles!


  1. Oohlala, the hair's looking great. So do the stilettos! Have a great night out.

  2. You are looking very hot, sistah! I hope you have a good howl at the moon tonight. Girlz Nites are the best.

    I think no outfit is complete without cat and/or dog hair.

  3. So much goodness here! I love all the things: the flounce! the stockings! the shoes! the hair!

  4. Aw, bet your super-flounce was even more awesome with freshly-done hair! Hope it's a lovely evening.

    I am experiencing covetous feelings for your skirt / underskirt, and can't even fathom the masses of clothing I didn't buy for many years because of the cat-fur-magnet factor you mention. But kitties are such dear fluffy shnookumses!

  5. Megan, that final photo is a joy to behold!
    Most of my clothes are covered in cat hair, it adds extra texture and interest.
    Love the skirt and extra flounciness, and I am wishing I had any hope of walking in a pair of stilletos as good as those....
    The hair is looking perfect. Hope you have a good night out. xxxx

  6. LOL, I love that last picture! Yes, black = cat hair magnet, but I pull the stuff out anyway. That is why they invented lint rollers I suppose!

  7. Ha ha ha! That last picture is great. I love the way the only movement is in your skirt and leg while the rest of you is capable of remaining stationary. And you're right - those stilettos do look best with that outfit. Smashing combo all around.

  8. More movement photos please! I love the flounce. Hope you had a great night out - with your fabulous new 'do
